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Warming climates push dengue to Europe and US shores

Amid the backdrop of surging dengue cases in Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2023, the world watches, but it’s Europe and the US that are under an imminent threat. Leading scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) have sounded the…

Harnessing fiber’s power for blood sugar balance

Have your blood sugar readings felt like they’re mimicking a roller-coaster lately? There’s a superhero nutrient that’s come to the rescue, and its name might surprise you: fiber. With a staggering 37 million Americans managing diabetes,…

The dynamic science behind the static plank

The world of fitness and exercise is inundated with trends and fads, yet few can stand the test of time and scientific scrutiny as well as the simple plank. At its essence, the plank is a static exercise, challenging not only your core…